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Hexed Jack Russells


Kizmet/Cargo's --

Origin: Shaina, The Petz Bazaar
DOB: 6/25/2024
Comments: a no-grow Sheepie overwrite


Xoops/Cargo's --

Origin: Megan, PUGS
DOB: 7/27/2023

Hugh Martin

Poppyhill/Cargo's --

Origin: Christmas gift from Nebula
DOB: 12/25/2022
Comments: Hexed on Carrie's PRT file! (A Scottie overwrite)


Alohomora/Insanity's --

Origin: Kathleen & Dew, Countdown to V-day Calendar
DOB: 2/3/2023


Xoops/Cargo's --

Origin: Megan
DOB: 3/16/2023

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Purebred Jack Russells

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Mixed Jack Russells

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Website, content © Amanda @ Cargo 2023
Petz by P.F. Magic