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Current Open Shows

Standard Catz Show #9 - 1/10 entries

EBW Dogz Show #2 - 1/5 entries

Show Info

Standard pose show points are awarded for placements BIS-HM, and I sometimes like to make old-fashioned awards!
EBW (EveryBody Wins) shows close at 5 entries and you can enter 1 pet per person per show, Standard shows close at 10 entries and are up to 3 entries per person per show (5 placements given)
Dogz shows accept all dogz pose types together: profile-head "Dane" poses, camera-facing "Dali" poses, and both directions of Poodle pose
Catz shows accept standard catz poses, both Siamese poses, Oshie poses and Alley Arch poses
Age 100 petz only, unless stated as a puppy/kitten show
Original breeds, realistic breeds, wild hybrids - all petz are welcome to enter! I try to judge every pet to the best of their own ability

Entry Form