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Current Open Shows
Standard Catz Show #9 - 1/10 entries
EBW Dogz Show #2 - 1/5 entries
Show Info
✦ Standard pose show points are awarded for placements BIS-HM, and I sometimes like to make old-fashioned awards!✦ EBW (EveryBody Wins) shows close at 5 entries and you can enter 1 pet per person per show, Standard shows close at 10 entries and are up to 3 entries per person per show (5 placements given)★ Dogz shows accept all dogz pose types together: profile-head "Dane" poses, camera-facing "Dali" poses, and both directions of Poodle pose★ Catz shows accept standard catz poses, both Siamese poses, Oshie poses and Alley Arch poses✦ Age 100 petz only, unless stated as a puppy/kitten show★ Original breeds, realistic breeds, wild hybrids - all petz are welcome to enter! I try to judge every pet to the best of their own ability
Entry Form
Petz by P.F. Magic